Corona Awareness Programme 1. Awareness created about the corona virus 2. Prevention and precautions measures were discussed with students.3. Requested to maintain clean environment for secured life.4. Faculty members Dr. K. Senthamil Selvan and Dr. S. Supriya presented the content of the programme. /*! elementor […]
Awareness Program on Amateur Radio The Department of ECE organized an event titled “Awareness Program on Amateur Radio” in association with JIT-Amateur Radio Club on February 2nd 2018. The participants were from First year classes, totally of about 40 Students. The benefits of joining amateur radio […]
Technical Seminar on “Approach to Machine learning Algorithm” The Noveltic Approach to Machine Learning Algorithm held on 21.02.2020 at LH 20. The event exactly started at 15.45pm. Mr.M.Suvedaharan handled the session. The buzz word Machine Learning was clearly explained by him. He first started the […]
Temple Cleaning On 16.02.2020, Our NSS volunteers involved in cleaning the Padhuvampalli temple. With the support of village people our volunteers involved very actively in this cleaning process. /*! elementor – v3.7.0 – 08-08-2022 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block}
Plastic and Swatch Bharath Awareness Plastic pollution is today one of the most serious environmental problems affecting the soil and aquatic system. Once in the natural environment, plastic can take up to 500 years to disappear and impacts wildlife on a daily basis. The danger […]
Awareness Programme on “ROAD SIGNALS AND SAFETY” 1.Thiru.P.K.Ramaswamy, Sub-Inspector of Police, Karumathampatti Police Station 2. Thiru.K.Semannan, Sub-Inspector of Police, Karumathampatti Police Station 3. Thiru.A.Ramesh Kumar, Sub-Inspector of Police, Karumathampatti Police Station The session started with the welcome address by Mr.Prasanth S of Third year Mechanical […]
Workshop on Skill Enhancement in Manufacturing and Production SAE India JIT Collegiate Club of Mechanical Engineering Department of Jansons Institute of Technology, organises a one-day Workshop on Skill Enhancement in Manufacturing and Production for Students of Polytechnic colleges, In association with COINDIA, Coimbatore on 01.04.2022(Friday) […]
Animals and its importance for human life, Veterinary Camp Dr. Saravanan, veterinary doctor, Padhuvampalli veterinary hospital, addressed our volunteers about the importance of animals, safety from stray dogs, rabies and its preventive methods on topic “Animals and its importance for human life”. He addressed the […]
Basic Computer Education for school children Computers help the students to learn about the world and know what is happening in it. It helps them to aim for excellent jobs in the future and succeed in it. The computer has become a standard of education […]
Tree Plantation Plantations of trees are important as they improve the life and fulfill essential needs of mankind. Our NSS volunteers created so many pits for tress plantation in and around the Padhuvampalli village. The village President, Mr. R. Saravanan planted first sapling and motivated […]